Friday 1 September 2023

Aratta under seige!

Dateline: c. 2600 BC

In a turn of events reminiscent of historical sieges, the contemporary city of Aratta finds itself under siege by a militant group whose origins and motivations remain shrouded in mystery. This modern metropolis, known for its rich history, thriving economy, and cultural diversity, now faces a challenge not seen in decades.

The Siege Begins

The first signs of trouble emerged several weeks ago when reports of unrest in the outskirts of Aratta surfaced. As the situation escalated, it became clear that a well-organized and heavily armed group had taken control of key access points into the city, effectively trapping its inhabitants.

The group responsible for the siege, identifying themselves as the "Liberation Brigade," has not communicated their demands to the city or any known authorities. This has left both residents and government officials in the dark about their motivations and objectives.

Impact on the City

The siege has taken a significant toll on Aratta and its population. The city, known for its bustling commerce and vibrant cultural scene, has ground to a halt. Shops and businesses have shuttered their doors, and the once-thriving streets are eerily empty. Residents have been advised to stay indoors for their safety, and many have been forced to ration supplies as access to the outside world has been cut off.

Government Response

The government of Aratta, in collaboration with federal authorities, has taken swift action to address the crisis. A state of emergency has been declared, and security forces are stationed at various points within the city to maintain order and protect the civilian population.

Negotiations with the Liberation Brigade have proven difficult, as the group remains elusive and has not expressed clear demands. The government has, however, made repeated calls for dialogue and a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

International Concern

The siege of Aratta has garnered significant international attention, with neighboring countries and global organizations expressing concern about the escalating situation. Diplomatic efforts are underway to bring an end to the siege and ensure the safety of the city's inhabitants.

Humanitarian Concerns

The welfare of the civilians trapped within the city is a growing concern. Reports of shortages of essential supplies, including food, water, and medical provisions, are emerging. Humanitarian organizations are working tirelessly to provide aid to those affected by the siege, despite the difficult conditions.

Uncertain Future

As the siege of Aratta continues with no clear end in sight, the city's future hangs in the balance. The people of Aratta remain resilient, drawing on the city's rich history of overcoming adversity. While the situation remains dire, there is hope that a peaceful resolution can be achieved to spare this contemporary city from further suffering.

The world watches with bated breath as the siege unfolds, hoping for a swift and peaceful resolution to this modern-day crisis.

Tuesday 18 July 2023


Berlin, February 27, 1933 - In a shocking turn of events, the heart of German democracy, the illustrious Reichstag building, was set ablaze tonight, sending shockwaves of alarm and consternation throughout the capital. The historic edifice, located in the heart of Berlin, was engulfed in a raging inferno that consumed its hallowed chambers, leaving behind a scene of devastation and sparking fears of political unrest.

As the clock struck 9:00 PM, an eerie glow lit up the darkened sky, capturing the attention of bystanders and onlookers in the surrounding area. It soon became apparent that the venerable Reichstag, home to the legislative assembly of the German people, was under attack by merciless flames. Flames licked the sky with a ferocity that seemed to match the political climate of the nation, marking this night as a somber and sinister chapter in German history.

Witnesses recount the harrowing scene, describing thick columns of smoke billowing from the iconic building, obscuring the once-proud architecture that stood as a symbol of German democracy. The crackling of timber and the shattering of glass reverberated through the air, a haunting soundtrack to this act of unprecedented destruction.

Firefighters valiantly battled the inferno, their efforts hampered by the relentless advance of the flames. The heat of the fire and the fury of the conflagration proved too formidable, as the Reichstag succumbed to the ravages of the blaze. The edifice that had witnessed the rise and fall of empires, the birth of a nation, and the drafting of laws that shaped German society was reduced to a charred skeleton, a tragic testament to the forces that threaten the very foundations of our democracy.

As the smoke clears, questions arise regarding the origins of this horrific act. Preliminary investigations indicate that the fire was a deliberate act of arson, raising suspicions of a malicious plot aimed at destabilizing the delicate political landscape of Germany. Authorities have already taken into custody a suspect, identified as Marinus van der Lubbe, a Dutch Communist and alleged firebrand.

This despicable act has sent shockwaves through the political landscape, with members of all parties expressing their outrage and concern. Amidst the chaos, some voices have even begun to point fingers, leveling accusations at political rivals. It is imperative that a thorough investigation be conducted to uncover the truth behind this act of terror, so that those responsible can be brought to justice.

The burning of the Reichstag marks a dark day in German history, a poignant reminder that the winds of political strife and intolerance can engulf even the strongest pillars of democracy. As the nation mourns the loss of this architectural jewel, let us rally together to ensure that the principles it stood for—liberty, justice, and equality—are not consumed by the flames of hatred and division.

Stay tuned to this publication for updates on this tragic event, as we uncover the truth behind the burning of the Reichstag and its profound implications for our beloved Germany.

Friday 9 June 2023

Miraculous Victory at the Battle of Agincourt: English Army Triumphs Against All Odds

 Date: October 26, 1415

English troops engage the enemy

Agincourt, France — In a stunning turn of events, the English army emerged triumphant in a battle that will forever be etched in the annals of history. The Battle of Agincourt, fought on October 25, 1415, witnessed a small and outnumbered English force under the leadership of King Henry V claim a miraculous victory against the formidable French army.

The stage was set for an epic clash as the English and French armies faced off near the village of Agincourt in northern France. King Henry V, driven by a fierce determination to secure his claim to the French throne, rallied his troops in the face of overwhelming odds. His army, comprising mostly longbowmen and a modest contingent of men-at-arms, faced a well-equipped French force, boasting heavily armored knights and a significant advantage in numbers.

As dawn broke over the rain-soaked battlefield, the two armies braced themselves for a brutal confrontation. The French, confident in their superior strength, launched a relentless assault, hoping to crush the English under their sheer weight of numbers. The English, undeterred by the daunting challenge before them, relied on their archers to turn the tide of battle.

The legendary longbowmen of England, renowned for their deadly accuracy and formidable range, unleashed a hail of arrows upon the advancing French forces. The skies darkened as the arrows rained down, cutting through the air and finding their marks with devastating precision. The French knights, encumbered by their heavy armor, became easy prey for the relentless onslaught.

English longbowmen carry the day

The conditions on the battlefield further favored the English. Heavy rainfall in the days leading up to the battle transformed the terrain into a quagmire, severely impeding the mobility of the French cavalry and rendering their charges ineffective. The English, on the other hand, adapted to the muddy terrain and exploited it to their advantage, utilizing their longbows and agile foot soldiers to devastating effect.

Despite their numerical superiority, the French found themselves trapped in a deadly vice. Unable to maneuver effectively and facing a relentless barrage of arrows, they became easy targets for the disciplined English soldiers. The fighting grew more intense as the hours passed, with the English maintaining their steadfast resolve and refusing to yield.

In a remarkable display of leadership and bravery, King Henry V himself plunged into the thick of the fighting, rallying his men and leading by example. His presence on the frontlines served as a source of inspiration, and the English soldiers fought with an unmatched ferocity.

King Henry V, one of the few kings in history to engage in ground combat with his troops.

As dusk approached, the exhausted French army, battered and demoralized, finally conceded defeat. The Battle of Agincourt ended in a resounding victory for the English, who had defied all expectations and overcome seemingly insurmountable odds. The French suffered heavy casualties, including many high-ranking nobles, while the English losses were comparatively minimal.

The aftermath of the battle sees King Henry V and his English army in a position of renewed strength. This historic victory has not only bolstered their military reputation but has also reignited hope for the English claim to the French crown. The Battle of Agincourt will undoubtedly be remembered as a testament to the resilience, skill, and indomitable spirit of the English soldiers, forever etching their names in the annals of military history.

Monday 22 May 2023

Indian Salt Marchers Brutally Beaten by Police in Historic Act of Civil Disobedience

 Date: March 12, 1930


Location: Dandi, Gujarat, India

In a shocking display of state-sponsored violence, Indian protesters participating in the Salt March movement were subjected to brutal beatings by the police today. The incident occurred during a peaceful march led by Mahatma Gandhi in his quest to challenge the British-imposed Salt Laws and assert India's independence. The police resorted to excessive force, leaving a lasting stain on the conscience of the British Empire.

The Salt March, also known as the Dandi March, began on March 12th when Mahatma Gandhi, along with 78 other individuals, embarked on a 240-mile journey from Sabarmati Ashram to the coastal village of Dandi in Gujarat. The objective of this symbolic act was to defy the oppressive Salt Laws imposed by the British colonial administration, which prohibited Indians from producing or selling salt independently. The marchers intended to reach Dandi and extract salt from the seawater, thereby defying the unjust British regulation.

However, what was intended to be a peaceful demonstration for freedom and justice quickly turned into a brutal and violent encounter. As the marchers approached the coastline of Dandi on the morning of March 12th, they were met by a large contingent of armed police officers dispatched by the British government to suppress the protest. The police, armed with batons and rifles, did not hesitate to unleash a violent assault on the unarmed marchers.

Eyewitness accounts describe the chaotic scene as police officers indiscriminately beat the marchers, aiming blows at their heads and bodies. Men, women, and even the elderly were not spared from the brutality. The marchers, committed to their cause, refused to retaliate with violence and continued to march forward despite the relentless assault.

The British authorities' response to the peaceful resistance led by Gandhi demonstrated their determination to maintain control and suppress any challenge to their rule. The incident further exposed the oppressive nature of the colonial regime and garnered widespread condemnation both within India and across the world.

News of the police brutality quickly spread throughout the country, fueling a groundswell of support for the Salt March and the broader Indian independence movement. The shocking images of peaceful protesters being ruthlessly beaten by the police galvanized the Indian population, leading to increased participation in acts of civil disobedience and widespread protests against British rule.

The Salt March and the subsequent police beatings served as a pivotal moment in India's struggle for independence. It united the people in their resistance against the oppressive colonial regime and showcased the power of nonviolent civil disobedience as a potent weapon against injustice.

Despite the violent crackdown, the spirit of the Salt March endured, and its impact reverberated across the globe. This historic event marked a turning point in India's fight for freedom and ultimately paved the way for the nation's independence in 1947.

The sacrifice and resilience of the Salt Marchers and their commitment to nonviolent resistance remain an enduring testament to the indomitable human spirit in the face of injustice and oppression. The memory of their struggle will forever be etched in the annals of India's quest for self-determination.

Aratta under seige! Dateline: c. 2600 BC In a turn of events reminiscent of historical sieges, the contemporary city of Aratta finds itself ...